2004.01.20: Back again
2003.11.25: FMHistory Update
2003.11.17: Site Updates
2003.09.01: New Songs

Thanks & New Show
Thanks to everyone who braved the weather to come to the show last night.

I had a great time pretending to be Angus Young and Slash simultaneously.
Rick rocked us all through his new Ampeg...time to update the FMEquipment page.
Scott beat me at darts and continued to beat my brains in behind his drums.

As usual, Curley's was a fun and enjoyable night for all.
Burning Snella was great as usual (am I allowed to say that?) and Tom Foolery & The Shenanigans repeatedly made me imagine Pirate Ships and Groundskeeper Willie.

Pictures and Setlist from the show are online now! Links in the FMShow History.

I just confirmed a new show for February 27th at the Village Rock Cafe in our hometown of East Rochester. This should be a hell of a gig. 3 one-hour sets!...for FREE!
Details, as always, at FMShows.

We are also working on booking a tour of the Northeast in May...cross your fingers!

It's already been broughten,
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Back To Normal & A Show

Hope everyone had happy holidays and the like.

Thank you all for your patience in the past 2 weeks as I worked on updating our server. Things are back to normal now.

Also, don't forget about our show on January 24th at Curley's!!!
That's this coming Saturday!
Details at FMShows.

Happy New Year,
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FMHistory Update, Finally!
I just finished updating the new FMHistory page. You will find a new, easy to navigate layout and a ton of updated information.

Most info post-1998 is brand new to the site. I will be adding my personal Yellow #5 recording journal very shortly as well as a ton of pictures from the process of making that album.

Please go check it out and let me know if you see anything that needs to be changed or fixed.

I will be continually adding new information to that section as I complete it.

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

Einstein is on the beach,
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Teen Center Thanks
Thanks to all the kids who stood in front of us and cheered and sang along to songs they'd never heard before last Friday night at the Fairport Teen Center.

You all rocked, it was fun playing for you. Also, thanks for signing up on the mailing list (other people still can, there is a link on the left hand side of this page) and especially to the 4 of you who bought a copy of Yellow #5! Hope you like it!

Also thanks to the other bands, and especially Alex from The Survival for letting us play the show on such short notice. You rule.

Pictures and Setlist from the show are now up in the FMShows History. Thanks to our good friend AJ Verrioli for taking some additional pics for us, they turned out sweet, they are also linked in the history (Pic Link 2).

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

Do The Metal,
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Site Updates...
Today I went through and updated a bunch of pages.

FMShows has an updated and nearly complete Show History, complete with pictures and setlists from each show where available.

FMWords received a MAJOR overhaul. It now sports an easier to use interface and should be quicker and more efficient for those of you who care what we are singing.

Also, be sure to check out the scans of the original lyric sheets. About 10 songs have them, and they are pretty fun to look at. Songs with scans have a link on their their lyric page.

FMEquipment was updated to reflect our current set-ups.

FMLinks was cleaned up and trimmed down a bit.

Next to be revamped is the FMHistory, which is ridiculously out of date!

As for us, we just rocked out a last-minute show at Monty's Krown with The Clockers and Tom Foolery And The Shannanigans. It was one of our best shows in recent memory. Hopefully we can get some more in the near future so you all can get your souls destroyed.

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

One day I'll fly away...,
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General updates...
Another fun Curley's show. Thanks to Burning Snella for letting us make a lot of noise before they played. It is always a good time at Curley's!

We are playing again on Saturday, September 6th at a Benefit for a relative of mine.
Tickets are $30 each, which is probably way more than any of you care to pay to see us play, but, if you ARE interested, the details are on the FMShows page.

After that show, we have nothing lined up yet for the fall. I'm going to work on getting us at least one show a month till the end of the year.

In the meantime, we are going to keep working on our new material. We are consistently playing 7 or 8 non-Yellow #5 tracks at each show now, and new songs are coming along at a quick pace.
New songs currently being played are:
X-Wing (the song that rocks), The Song That Rocks Too, Seven Eyes, Angel, Go!, and Starstruck Devotion.
Older songs that weren't included on Yellow #5 that are we are bringing back include:
Don't Aim Too High, Yellow Plants, Destiny's Toy, and our namesake song: FMGreen.

We hope to get many of these recorded for you really soon because we know the new stuff will destroy your souls...and seriously...what else is rock n roll supposed to do?

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

G5 Dreamin'...,
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Show Review. Show Reminder.
Well, we got CRUSHED last night by a relatively unknown young local band.

They played cover songs of emo bands and Good Charlotte (same difference?)...and brought close to 60 kids out on a tuesday night! That is insane.

Not that I am a fan of the type of music that they play, but they have their "genre" nailed pretty well, so best of luck to Out Of Line in the future. I just hope for their sake that they understand that this emo/pop-punk movement isn't going to last forever, and because of that I don't think their music can stand the test of time. No hard feelings though, they were all very nice dudes.

We also debuted ANOTHER new song at this show, Angel, written just 5 days ago. It went over well, as does all of our new stuff, and that makes us happy. Thanks for cheering for us. Also, thanks to the Out Of Line fans who bought OUR CD too. You rule.

Our next show isn't till August 30th with our good friends Burning Snella at Curley's.
All the details, as usual, at FMShows...

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

Taking you higher,
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Important show on Tuesday! Details above and at FMShows...

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

Not stoping thinking about tomorrow,
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Show changes:
The Curly's show with Burning Snella for July 19th has been postponed until August 30th. Burning Snella will still be performing on the 19th, but we had a conflict and couldn't make it that night.

The Band Contest show at Milestones is still on schedule for Tuesday July 29th. Details at the FMShows Page. (duh.)

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

Taking it to eleven...
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Thank You's, News, New Upcoming Show
Thank you to those of you who came out last Friday to brave the smelly Rocket Coffee Basement Show. Overall the show went very well, also thanks to Jesse Adams, Initial Embrace, and SNMNMNM for rocking their socks off. And finally, thanks to Saby (co-producer of Yellow #5) for manning the sound board. Pic's from the show and the setlist are now posted in the Show History at the FMShows page.

We debuted 2 new songs at that show: Seven Eyes, and Go!
We also have about 5 more new songs that are still being polished up.
Hopefully we can make some home demos and post them for you soon!

I am currently trying to set up a show at Water Street for late June or early July. Details soon. E-Mail me ASAP if there are any specific bands you'd like to see us play with...

I just confirmed a NEW FMShow for July 29th.
It marks our return to the Rochester's Most Popular Band Contest after a one year break from competition.

General info is in the left column.

More specific info can be found at the FMShows page.

EDIT: 6.19.2003

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

See you soon!
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New FMGreen Gig
I just confirmed a new FMShow for June 6th.

General info is in the left column.

More specific info can be found at the FMShows page.

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

See you soon!
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Yellow $5!

Effective immediately, you can now purchase our debut album for only $5!

Thats 14 songs for $5...roughly 35 cents per track...or...7 cents a minute!

$5 includes shipping AND a free FMGreen Pin too!

Click here for ordering information.

As always, please send any comments or questions you may have to me at:
Steve (at)

Till next time,

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St. Patricks Day Treats

FMGreen once again salutes St. Patrick for having a great taste in color.

Head on over to the FMSounds page and grab yourself some MP3 Treats.

I've made available:

Dear Jenny, and Don't Ask from Yellow #5,
All 3 songs from the are you recording me? demo CD from 2001
Jelly Bean has returned since being taken down by, and
I've added one additional bonus song that I think you will all enjoy!

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!
Stay tuned for upcoming shows as well as more updates around the site

EDIT 8:30PM: I finished work on the FMDiscography page by adding all the images from the artwork of Yellow #5. Enjoy!!!

As always, please send any comments you may have to me at Steve (at)

Keeping on, keeping on,

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I just completed a major overhaul of the FMDiscography page.
I will soon be adding links to view images of certain items in the discography (including all the art from Yellow #5!).

As always, please send any comments you may have to me at Steve (at)

Stay tuned...
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If you haven't heard, over the weekend American officials captured one of the most elusive characters of all time...

Move your cursor over the
image to view the photo of
the captured Sasquatch!

Let me be the first to give a warning to the Loch Ness Monster. We know you're out there, and GW won't stop till he has you in a giant fish tank at his ranch in Texas.

In other, unrelated, news...

Today, the debut album from The Special Goodness is released to stores across the country.
The Special Goodness is comprised of Patrick Wilson (=w=) and Atom Willard (rftc).
In terms of straight-up Rock N Roll, you won't find a better band these days.
No pretty sweater vests...
just pure, powerful, and pleasureable rock. I highly recommend you go pick up a copy for yourselves. If you can't find it at your local record store, you can order it online from their website.

Signing off,
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Thanks to all our good friends who came out to see us last night at Steel.
It really means a lot to us to have great fans who will wait all night just to see us play.
Also, thanks go out to Burning Snella, Garage Door Rodeo, All American Hoodies, and Blind WItness for playing with us. Let's do it again sometime...

I have done some major work to the FMGreen Show History.
I added Setlists and Pictures for most of the shows that didn't have them (including last night).

Stay tuned to I'm on an updating spree so I figure while I have the motivation, I might as well update as much about this place as I can.

Peace and Love,
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New FMNews Layout!
Hopefully this will make it easier for me to update and give me a little more motivation to update more frequently.

As always, please send any comments you may have to me at Steve (at)
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Get Your Own FREE FMEmail Address!
We are now able to offer FREE e-mail addresses to all who want them.
You can get for FREE just by e-mailing me
This address will simpy forward to whatever your normal address is, it is not a new account.
For instance, if you've got a long, hard to remember address like:
We can give you and simply have it forward to that long address.
You're happy, we're happy.
E-mail me at Steve (at) (see!) and I will hook you up.
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Buy Yellow #5 Now!
Send an email to Buy (at) for ordring info.
When I get the money I will send out your very own copy of Yellow #5 right away!
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Introducing: Yellow #5!

01. Alternative Gear
02. Desdemona
03. Dear Jenny,
04. Nadine
05. Whisper
06. Don't Ask
07. Feedback
08. A.D.D.
09. 4:05
10. MDW
11. Forest Hills Girl
12. Steve's Hip-Hop Jam
13. Ruckerball
14. Sadness 521

It's our debut album.
Weighing in at a hearty 68 minutes, we think you will be pleased with the results.
Visit the FMSounds page for free mp3s from the album.
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We are quickly running out of FMPins, so if you want one and haven't ordered one yet, do so soon!
Pins cost only 50 cents each plus a new stamp for return postage.
Simply email me at Steve (at) with your name and address and I will mail your pins as soon as I recieve your stamp/money.
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